Westlake Village residents, led by Westlake Revelations readers and with the help of surrounding cities, have taken the vote to 11,706 votes and a rank of 91 (up from 8319 votes, rank of 104 in just over 24 hours). That’s right — we’re now top 100.

Some of you have written in about how addictive it is to watch the vote — not to mention making fun of the sound when you vote. With that in mind, we’re going to continue right up until the end (Feb 5) with this social experiment. Here’s your challenge:

First, vote (remember to vote 10x). The clock is on east coast time, and therefore gets reset at 9pm. Each email address you have can vote every day.

Second, post to your Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and other social media something like:

Help get $10,000 for the regional sports park/Y benefitting kids in the area.
Reader’s Digest contest. Vote 10x daily http://tiny.cc/dcgoe

You can literally just paste that into your status or tweet it (it’s under 140 chars). Make sure to do this — let’s see what kind of impact it can make in the next 24 hours.

Third, ask your out of town relatives to do the same.

Let’s see how far Westlake Village with the help of neighboring cities can climb the list … it’s a matter of civic pride!