Sponsorship packages are another way for the community to support the Soap Box Derby. The purpose of the packages is not only to cover the costs of the event, but also enhance the event. If you have ideas about something special you can do to help, let us know. If you are looking for simple financial packages, here are some options.
$250 (Supporter Level)
o Company logo on sponsor banner for the upcoming YMCA Soap Box Derby
o Company logo on YMCA Soap Box Derby T-shirt
o Plaque engraved “Supporter of Triunfo YMCA” Request only
$500 (Silver Level)
o Includes all from Supporter Level except plaque inscribed with “Silver Club -Supporter of Triunfo YMCA” Request only
o Business card sized ad in the Triunfo YMCA Monthly Newsletter The Smoke Signal
o Sponsor table at upcoming Soap Box Derby & Carnival event (table provided)
o Company logo on local Acorn newspaper advertisement
$750 (Gold Level)
o Includes all from Silver Level except plaque inscribed with “Gold Club – Supporter of Triunfo YMCA” and The Smoke Signal ad size upgraded to 1/4 page.
o Will hang company provided banner at upcoming YMCA Soap Box Derby.
$1000 (Platinum Level)
o Includes all from Gold Level except plaque inscribed with “Platinum Club – Supporter or Triunfo YMCA” and The Smoke Signal ad size upgraded to 1/2 page.
o Company representative’s picture taken with Triunfo YMCA’s Director and picture along with special article printed in The Smoke Signal.
$1500+ (Philanthropist Level)
o Included all from Platinum Level except plaque inscribed with “Philanthropist of Triunfo YMCA” and The Smoke Signal ad size upgraded to full page.
o A picture of a company representative and the Triunfo YMCA’s director. We’ll ask the local papers to print an article submitted discussing the company’s support of the Y’s family programs in the Agoura/Westlake Village/Oak Park area (a framed copy of this article will be provided as well)
For more information on sponsorship, contact Neil Ticktin, or the Triunfo YMCA (818-707-YMCA)