Welcome! This page is for all information related to the Triunfo YMCA’s Soap Box Derby event which is open to the public.

Keep apprised of Soap Box Derby events in Westlake Village. Click here to sign up for the Soap Box mailing list:

This event has been a tremendous success over the last several years, and is expected to be even better this year. This year’s event includes:

  • Soap Box Derby racing
  • Big Sunday
  • DJ: Music and Dancing by Time of Your Life
  • Community BBQ by Boy Scout Troop 485
  • Bounce houses
  • Gamez On Wheelz
  • Glamour Truck
  • Rock Wall
  • Fire & Sheriff Department
  • Summer Programs Kick Off
  • Magicians!
  • Face Painting
  • Arts & Crafts
and more!

Farmers Insurance Building Parking Lot
Opposite City of Westlake Village City Hall and Library
31051 Agoura Road, Westlake Village

Sunday, May 5th, 2013
Overall Event open: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Big Sunday: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Soap Box Races: 11:00am – 1:30pm (awards at approximately 1:30pm)

Spring is here and summer is near! On May 5, we will be kicking off summer programs enrollment in style! It’s the annual Soapbox Derby and Summer Programs Kick Off. The Y staff team looks forward to this event all year because we know it is the start of summer fun! You don’t want to miss it this year! We are featuring a Rock Wall, Gamez On Wheelz, Glamour Truck, Face Painting, Arts & Crafts, Moon Bounces, Fire & Sheriff Cars. This will be a day for the whole family to come out and have some fun. We look forward to seeing you there.

Big Sunday

This year, Big Sunday charity activities will again be taking place in conjunction with the Triunfo YMCA Soap Box Derby. The event will be a drop-off point and sorting site for food and clothing collected through local schools and at local grocery stores, and craft projects will enable the whole family to create something that will help brighten the day for others. Other projects will support additional charities.

There will be three primary focuses, headed up by Dave Moorman.

  • Sorting/Organization of previously and newly collected items
  • Arts & Crafts project (e.g., flower pots for senior homes)
  • Collection of items including:
    • Clothing of any type (including suits & office attire)
    • Shoes of any type
    • School supplies (including back packs)
    • Baby items (e.g., diapers, sealed baby food or formula, wipes, toys)
    • Cooking/kitchen items (bowls, pots, plates, silverware, etc…)

On event day, we will need volunteers to help sort and organize items for distribution that are collected both on-site as well as prior to Soap Box Day. Big Sunday activities also need assistance in collecting items on days prior to Soap Box. If you are able to volunteer for any Big Sunday activity, please contact Dave Moorman (davem [at] imageresources.net), or simply show up and help out however much you can. If you are planning to attend the Soap Box Derby and can bring a bag of food or other donation items it will be greatly appreciated. Drive-up drop-offs are also welcome if you can’t stay. Big Sunday work will run from 10AM-1PM on Sunday May 5th at the Soap Box Derby site.

Big Sunday is the largest citywide community service event in America, empowering thousands of volunteers throughout the greater Los Angeles area to help the disadvantaged, and improve and repair community services. Although the primary focus of Big Sunday is the Big Sunday Weekend (May 4-5 this year), there are opportunities to help all year long. There are often a number of Big Sunday projects occurring each year in the local area, ranging from work projects to collections for the needy.

Big Sunday is dedicated to the belief that everyone has some way that they can help somebody else, and participating in this event is a good way to start, and a great way to instill in kids a commitment to service.


Members of the World Famous Magic Castle and the Westside Wizards (Society of American Magicians Assembly 291) will be performing close up magic and illusions at the Soap Box Derby. There will be up close and personal magic that is sure to amaze and astound everyone.

Want to participate? Need more info?

Here are relevant web pages and links that you may want to know about:

Soap Box Derby (Contact us ASAP!)

A big thank you to all of our sponsors:




Prior Soap Box Derby Events:
Soap Box Derby 2007: https://westlakerevelations.com/?q=node/24
Soap Box Derby 2008: https://westlakerevelations.com/?q=node/89
Soap Box Derby 2009: https://westlakerevelations.com/?q=node/148
Soap Box Derby 2010: https://westlakerevelations.com/?q=node/213
Soap Box Derby 2011: https://westlakerevelations.com/?q=node/286
Soap Box Derby 2012: https://westlakerevelations.com/content/soap-box-derby-2012