The municipal code for the City of Westlake Village is located online at:

The below was excerpted for convenience on February 6, 2007.

9.12.010. Purpose.

The PI Zone is intended to apply to land which is used for public or quasi-public purposes.

(Ord. No. 123, Amended, 04/08/92)

9.12.020. Permitted Uses.

The following uses shall be permitted in the PI Zone, subject to the issuance of a planned development permit, as provided for in Chapter 9.25 of this Article:

1. Publicly owned libraries and publicly owned museums.

2. Offices, meeting rooms and accessory facilities for governmental and public services.

3. Public service and utility structures and facilities.

4. Temporary uses, subject to the issuance of a temporary use permit as provided for in Chapter 9.29 of this Article.

(Ord. No. 123, Amended, 04/08/92)

9.12.030. Conditionally Permitted Uses.

The following uses may be permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 9.26 of this Article:

1. Civic auditoriums and theaters.

2. Churches, parsonages, convents and other buildings and structures used for religious purposes.

3. Fire and police stations.

4. Hospitals and nursing homes, and related heliports.

5. Schools, through grade 12, accredited, including appurtenant facilities, which offer instruction required to be taught in the public schools by the Education Code of the State of California, in which no pupil is physically restrained but excluding trade or commercial schools.

6. Utility substations, distribution stations, and distribution corridors.

7. Water wells, reservoirs, tanks, dams, treatment plants, gauging stations, pumping stations and any use normal and appurtenant to the obtainment, storage and distribution of water.

8. Buildings and structures accessory to permitted uses.

9. Satellite earth station antennae exceeding one meter in diameter and wireless telecommunications antenna facilities.

10. Amateur radio antennae.

11. Special needs housing on sites designated for said use by the Westlake Village General Plan.

(Ord. No. 139-95, Amended, 01/10/96; Ord. No. 140-95, Amended, 05/22/96; Ord. No. 181-02, Amended 01/08/03; Ord. No. 185-03, Amended, 07/23/03)

All uses shall be subject to the applicable provisions of this Article, including the standards which are located in the following chapter:

Chapter 9.14 – Development Standards
Chapter 9.15 – Design Standards
Chapter 9.16 – Landscaping Standards
Chapter 9.18 – Sign Standards
Chapter 9.19 – Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards
Chapter 9.21 – Oak Tree Preservation Standards

(Ord. No. 123, Amended, 04/08/92)