This morning, there are a number of questions from residents about what they should do to communicate their feelings, concerns, support or questions in regards to the proposed EPA regulations.

Volume of communication is what counts for both support and concerns, so if you have an opinion, take 2 minutes and express them. If you don’t do this now, don’t complain about the result later … whatever that result is.

Everyone should send an email to the EPA’s regional administrator. In the EPA hierarchy, Mr. Blumenfeld is above Cindy Lin (the main EPA presenter at Wed’s workshop). Feel free to cc Westlake Revelations ( or other media sources.

         Mr. Jared Blumenfeld
         Regional Administrator, Region 9
         U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
         75 Hawthorne Street
         San Francisco, CA 94105

U.S. Senate (Federal). Write to all:
         Senator Dianne Feinstein
         331 Hart Senate Office Building
         Washington, DC 20510
         Senator Barbara Boxer
         112 Hart Senate Office Building
         Washington, DC 20510
U.S. Congressional Representatives: Choose the one for your area:
         Rep. Henry Waxman
         2204 Rayburn House Office Building
         Washington, DC 20510
         Rep. Brad Sherman
         2242 Rayburn House Office Building
         Washington, D.C. 20515
         Hon. Julia Brownley
         U.S. House of Representatives
         233 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Suite 470
         Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
         Rep. Buck McKeon
         2310 Rayburn House Office Building
         Washington, DC 20510

State Representatives. Choose those for your area:
         Senator Fran Pavley
         State Capitol, Room 4035
         Sacramento, CA 95814
         Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield
         P.O. Box 942849
         Sacramento, CA 94249-0045
         Assemblymember Richard Bloom
         P.O. Box 942849
         Sacramento, CA 94249-0050
         Assemblymember Jeff Gorell
         P.O. Box 942849
         Sacramento, CA 94249-0044