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City of Westlake Village Election Results

Tonight, Westlake Village released the numbers from today’s vote for City Council members. Of the 6,012 registered to vote, 1,312 cast their ballots — plus about 130 mail in ballots yet to be counted. This results in a voter turnout similar to the 2013 election. The low turnout may trigger a California mandate to change which year Westlake Village holds its elections — to coincide with Federal elections.

From highest to lowest, the three council member candidates received the following vote counts:

Ned Davis: 914 (compared to 1316 votes when re-elected in 2011, and 1191 votes when first elected in 2007)
Kelly Honig: 732
Bill Kehaly: 423

There are about 130 mail in ballots that have yet to be counted, but there are not enough to impact the outcome of the election.

In other words, voters have re-elected Ned Davis, and have elected Kelly Honig to the open seat vacated by Philippa Klessig earlier this year. This returns the Council to a full five members after several months with a vacancy after Phillipa Klessig’s resignation earlier this year.

Measure E was strongly supported (923-347 in favor) by Westlake Village residents (but note, this is Westlake Village only — which is only a portion of the vote). For LVMWD board member seats, Westlake Village residents (only) came in with Menges-888; Wasserman-606; and Mittin -312. Neither of these is final — and needs to be combined the rest of the voting.

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