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Westlake Revelations Celebrates 300

Good evening,

Every once in a while, it’s worth taking stock.

Westlake Revelations has just passed its 300th post for the mailing list and web site. That’s 300 updates, news items, descriptions, polls and more since November 2006 when I started Westlake Revelations. It’s just amazing how fast time flies.

Articles on the web alone have been accessed more than 600,000 times (the most popular is the Opus/Russell Ranch Site Plans article from a while back). Today, about 1/4 of the city reads Westlake Revelations either in email or on the web. That, in and of itself, is phenomenal for something that has gotten its readership solely through word of mouth.

If you would take a moment, and do a couple of things for me:

1) Think about what you like and don’t like about Westlake Revelations, and drop us a line. Feedback makes things better.

2) I have an agenda. It’s for as many people as possible to know the facts. So, take a minute and look through your address book. Tell at least 5 of your friends and neighbors about Westlake Revelations. They can subscribe at:

The more people that know what’s going on, the better decisions we all can make.

3) Finally, if you see something around town that’s interesting, drop a note with whatever information you have.

Westlake Village and our neighboring towns are an amazing place to live — and it’s so much fun to be able to contribute to community.

Thanks for reading.

Neil Ticktin
Westlake Revelations

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