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USPS Reverses Stance on Zip Code Change, No Change Now


The USPS has decided not to change the zip code for Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, and Newbury Park.

In researching the reasons behind the change, it become very clear that the reasons were either not true, or no longer true. We asked the City of Westlake Village and Congressman Waxman’s office to investigate. Mayor Klessig from the City of Westlake Village pressed for a new meeting with the USPS, and information from Congressman Waxman’s office.

Congressman Waxman’s office investigated, and the additional scrutiny gave the USPS the opportunity to analyze the decision again, and decide against it. The announcement verifies that they found the savings to not be as substantial.

A great deal of credit needs to go to Mayor Klessig, the Westlake Village City Council and Congressman Waxman’s office, for getting to better and more realistic answers from the USPS management than the public could do on its own.

Full Article

There’s a number of pieces of information on this, and you can read the previous articles on Westlake Revelations at:

Editorial: USPS Zip Code “Bottom Line”

Zip Code Changes, stated reasons no longer the case

Area Zip Codes to Change, Your Feedback Counts

and in addition, there are a variety of issues by the Ventura County Star at:

as well as the Acorn.

USPS Announcement

Here’s the “official” announcement from the USPS.

Postal Service decides against mail processing realignment and ZIP Code change for Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village

THOUSAND OAKS, CA — The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) announced today that it has made the decision to not move mail processing operations for the Thousand Oaks Post Office from Santa Clarita to Oxnard. The operational change would have required new ZIP Codes be issued to addresses in Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village, since the first three digits of a ZIP Code indicate where mail is processed for delivery.

The original request was made last summer with the justification that it would reduce transportation costs and facilitate letter carriers beginning their rounds earlier in the day. This was based upon the fact that the Thousand Oaks Post Office is 34 miles closer to the Oxnard mail processing facility than the Santa Clarita facility.

Analysis of the proposal determined that cost savings may not be as great as originally estimated. Also, mail volume has dropped since last summer, which has widened the processing and transportation windows at the Santa Clarita facility. USPS management also wants to further study how relocating processing operations may favorably or adversely impact local service standards — the number of delivery days from one point in the nation to another.

The nation’s ZIP Code system was established by the Postal Service in 1963 to provide an efficient postal distribution network and moves more than 703 million pieces of mail every day.

An independent federal agency, the U.S. Postal Service is the only delivery service that visits every address in the nation, 148 million homes and businesses, six days a week. It has 37,000 retail locations and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to pay for operating expenses, not tax dollars. The Postal Service has annual revenues of $73 billion and delivers nearly half the world’s mail.”

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