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Happy Birthday Westlake Revelations

Sometimes, it’s just amazing how fast time flies. This week is the one year anniversary of when I launched Westlake Revelations.

Today, we believe something like a quarter of the city or more regularly reads the emails and web site. People have read articles on the web site more than 30,000 times. Hundreds of you have sent notes, or thanked my family personally.

Overall, it’s been a good experience. And, I will continue to do it as my contribution to the community, so long as I have the time, and it’s enjoyable.

If you would take a moment, and do two things for me:

1) Think about what you like and don’t like about Westlake Revelations, and drop a line. Feedback makes things better. No idea is too crazy.

2) I have an agenda. It’s for as many people as possible to know the facts. So, take a minute and look through your address book. Tell at least 5 of your friends and neighbors about Westlake Revelations. They can subscribe at . The more people that know what’s going on, the better decisions we all can make.

To date, I’ve written about 60 pieces (articles) on Westlake Revelations on a wide range of topics, including:

* Westlake Village City Celebration
* Westlake Village Parks, Wood Chips
* ERs, Hospitals, and more
* MTA Approved Funding, Lindero overpass and on ramps
* City Council Elections & Debate
* Local crime: Trends and Prevention
* Sunrise Development & Straw Polls
* City of Westlake Village Finances
* Fireworks: What’s legal and what’s not
* Opus/Russell Ranch Site Plans
* Lindero Middle School Construction
* Construction Projects on Lindero Canyon Road
* What’s up with “the wall”? Dole Development
* So. Cal Edison Rate Changes
* How Does Westlake Village Choose Its Mayor?
* Measure Z/Lot C

If you missed any of those, the archives are online as well at — look through the titles, or simply to do a search.

Thank you for all your kind words and support over the last year.

Happy birthday Westlake Revelations!

Neil Ticktin
Westlake Revelations

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